When I first began writing a blog, I did so not just share my story, but to connect with others. Though many of us early bloggers were writing at home alone, it felt like we were collaborating with other souls. Twenty-two years after writing my first blog post, there are times I feel like I am alone on a desert island. Even if you feel isolated, our businesses demands we create content constantly. And consistently.

Sometimes it’s frustrating, isn’t it? This need to create content to serve our audiences and grow our businesses.

Frustrated by the Need to Create Content

We can love our businesses but still feel as if we’re on a hamster wheel in a cycle to create content that immediately gets consumed. And then, it immediately gets seen. And (it feels like) forgotten.

Though we may have friends out there on the “world wide web,” some days I just want to work alongside another soul as create content. I’ve tried a lot of the tricks – from coffee shop writing to letting the TV play for background noise.

And, after an all-nighter fueled by insomnia, I managed to create content for several weeks. Blog posts, graphics with inspirational quotes, and the drafts of several months of newsletters. And that successful night of creation lit my inner spark. And I created even more content before he came home.

I was more productive those two weeks he was gone than I had been the previous two months.

Then I got to thinking. What if I could provide an opportunity for folks to connect with others while creating content? And since most of the content we create seems to be consumed immediately, turn it into a party rather than a Sisyphean Task?

Content + Palooza = a party to create content for your business.

Create Content

Here’s how Content Palooza will work.

The month of February will serve as our container of time. With the goal to create as much content as possible.

We’ll gather together on Zoom to work together each weekday. We’ll start with a greeting – a favorite poem, song, quote or other inspiration – and then go silent for an hour

Why is there a cost